There are some men who still don't believe in the effectiveness of wet
shaving. It's funny they categorize it as traditional and 'grandpa's' way of
shaving. Until wet shaving is tried, one can never fully comprehend its blessings.
If you want to get the perfect wet shaving, then you should follow these steps.
Use Warm Water
The basic element needed to get a perfect wet shave is using warm
water. When we say 'use', we mean lots of warm water. Warm water will help
soften the bristles and open up the pores before shaving. Since lots of warm
water is needed, it is advisable that you take a shower before shaving.
Massage Your Lather Properly
When wet shaving is being discussed, shaving creams and soaps are the
next important items. Forming lather in your shaving cup is one thing’ being
able to properly massage it on the face is another. This is why a good shaving badger brush is always recommended. The properties of the badger brush make it
easy to form good lather, even for beginners.
Shave Slowly
Shaving is not an art to be rushed. Taking your time on each stroke and
shave goes a long way in determining the quality of the shave. Ensure you shave
with the grain to avoid causing ingrown hairs. This means you should know the
direction your hair grows. Shave slowly and in short strokes.
Rinse Your Razor
As you proceed with the wet shaving, ensure you rinse your razor in hot
water, as much as possible. This helps in delivering a better and cleaner
Rinse Face with Cold Water
When you're done with the shave, rinse your face thoroughly with cold
water. This helps to close the skin pores.