Wednesday 13 July 2016

Using a Badger Brush for the First Time

The best quality badger brushes are manufactured from the finest grade of badger hair. It is this kind of grade that form good lather with shaving creams and soaps. When it comes to shaving brushes, badger hair is the preferred choice because it is able to absorb moisture. So if this is your first time of using a badger, or you've used one before and want to know if you made any mistake, or you're about to use one, here are the steps to take.

Choose a Good Badger Brush

When buying your badger brush, it is important that you buy one that fits into your needs and budget. There are different kinds of badger brushes gotten from different parts of the badger. When it comes to price, different brand offer different prices. The first step is identifying the kind of brush you want and then comparing prices from available brands.

Wash Before Use

Most people do not do this and start using the badger brush almost immediately. Wash the brush in warm soapy water to remove smell and dirt. While you do this, you'll notice some hairs falling off. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your brush. It is just shorter hairs that probably did not get to the glue base.

Keep it Dry

After washing, it is important to keep the brush dry as much as possible. Leaving it wet is worse an act that using without washing. When left wet, it affects the brush bristles. Place the brush in its holder but upside down. This will make it easier for the water to drain out of the hair.

You May Begin...

When this is done and done properly, you can begin using your badger brush to foam up some lather.

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