Monday 25 July 2016

How to Shave Your Legs

Razors are not only used for the face. Well maybe for most men, the face is the area that sees more action from the razor. With women however, the legs are a common area to get shaved. So probably this is your first time or you just want to get it right with shaving your legs. Just follow these little steps.

Choose a Good DE Razor
How well the shave will turn out depend largely on the quality of DE razor you choose to use. Some people will run from DE blades and say the cartridge razor is ideal for such shaves. If we are to be honest with ourselves, the DE razor gives a sharper and smoother cut. Your legs is one area of the body you don’t want to get your shaving wrong.

Use a Good Shaving Cream, Soap, or Gel
This is so not the place to argue which of these is ideal. Just go with the one that you are used to or prefer. The function of any of them is basically the same. Want you intend to get is a wet, softened hair for easy passage and cut.

Wet Legs before You Begin
Hey ladies, the skin on your legs are more sensitive than some other areas of your body. Wet the legs before you run any blades on it. This is why it is best to shave the legs during a shower.

Shave with the Grain

 Same principle applies with any shaving process. Start off by shaving above the ankle and shave upwards towards the knee. 

1 comment:

  1. The people who doing a job, safety razor is best for them. Because most of them need to shave every morning before going to his work. If he use a cartridge razor for getting shave he need to spend a lot of money. But if he use a safety razor he can save his money and can get a smooth shave. Best safety razor
