you have gotten a good safety razor and it gives you all the cleanest and
smoothest of facial shaves. You have got some growing bush down there and would
like to do a little man-scape with the safety razor. To answer the question,
yes it can be used and yes you could get an injury if you don’t know what you
are doing.
groin area is a very sensitive area of the body. This is understandable because
there is no much exposure to this area. For this reason, you would have to be
extra careful when using a razor down there – especially a double edge razor.
Most cartridge razor users desist from using a DE razor when shaving the groin
area. This is because they know the DE razor has a characteristic aggressiveness.
Even the most experienced DE razor users know that it is extremely important to
use the razor gently and carefully.
This is very interesting content! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your points and have come to the conclusion that you are right about many of them. You are great. straight razor face shave