Saturday, 20 August 2016

Shaving Tips: How to Avoid Boils

One of the common skin irritation often faced by many men after shaving is boils. Just like ingrown hairs, if left unattended to, can be very painful. It is embarrassing to be sport swollen boils on the face. If you suffer from this type of skin irritation, you may start to practice these tips.

Treat with Alcohol
These boils are often caused when bacteria gets into the skin from cuts while shaving. Although boils occur naturally, they could also be initiated through this means. Occasionally, depending on the frequency of boils occurrence, place your razor and the blades into alcohol. Alcohol is known to reduce and kill bacteria growth.

Never Share Blades
It is not hygienic to share razors with anyone. The same applies when using razors. If we are to be sincere with ourselves, razors blades are really not that expensive. Since boils are caused by infections on the skin, by sharing blades, you increase your vulnerability to having skin irritations like boils.

Choose Your Razors Carefully
Oftentimes it is said that the quality of the shave depends largely on the quality of the razor. This is not far from the truth as the razor can either make or break a good shave. Razors can be expensive sometimes but there are new brands like Vikings Blade that are offering a cheaper option without compromising on the quality of the razor.

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