Monday, 1 August 2016

Common Mistakes in Wet Shaving

If you're new to wet shaving, there is a high chance you will be caught making some of these common mistakes. If you have been wet shaving for a while and wondering why you haven't been getting the best of shaves, then you too may probably have been making some of these mistakes.

Lousy Shaving Prep

If you are new to shaving generally, you may not fully understand the reason why much attention is paid in the prep stage. There's more to cleaning your face with warm water than just splashing water on it. If you don't get this stage right, you may end up with skin irritations from shaving semi-dry hair.

Using Low Quality Creams

In trying to save some extra bucks, you will be amazed at the level some people will go. They use inferior shaving creams with ingredients that are not even needed. These creams will have preservatives and stabilizers as ingredients. People with sensitive skins will suffer all kinds of reactions and keep changing and blaming the innocent razors.

No-Direction Shaving

It has been overemphasized that for the best of shaves, people should always shave with the grain. It's shocking to see the number of people who totally disregard this and do the entire opposite. This is mainly due to the fact that they have no idea about the direction of their hair growth. Spend time out to know your hair's growth direction.

Blade Angle

These DE razors are designed with blade angles of between 30°to 40°. Your razor's blade is not just fixed in there without careful consideration on the best angle for a cleaner cut. Probably this is the reason you have struggled to get consistently get smoother and clean shaves. You need to understand the concept of the blade angles.

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