Monday 30 May 2016

Viking Blade Safety Razor Review - Does What I want

First of all, I did not buy this because of the "raw manliness" shtick. If anything, that sort of BS marketing tends to turn me off of a product. If your masculinity is defined by the products you buy, then you'd be better off spending your money on a therapist. Seriously.

That said, I decided to make the move to this "old-fashioned" type of razor because I have been working overseas in areas where it can be difficult to find the more common disposable plastic heads, making the double edge blades a more economical and easier to pack alternative. I went looking for a new razor because I wasn't pleased with the one I had, which has some heft to it but has a build quality I've not been thrilled with. I was attracted to the Vikings Blade because of the butterfly head, which I prefer to my old razor's screw-apart head. I also liked that reviewers kept mentioning that the razor covers the ends of the blades, since I've had a bad habit of nicking myself up.

Because I have very sensitive skin, I only shave a couple times a week, so I've only used the razor a couple of times since it arrived. So far, though, I have been very pleased with it. I agree with the other reviewers that it covers the ends of the blades well, so I've been able to shave near nostrils and the corners of my mouth without slicing myself, which has been very welcome. Being able to drop a blade in and close the head with a quick twist is also a very welcome improvement over the old razor.

I will say that I did have a small amount of razor burn first time out, but no more than I would have had with any other product and I would say a bit less than with the old razor. I also like the fact that this came with a case, which will make it easier to pack when I head back overseas in a few weeks. On the whole, I'm happy with this purchase.

You can check out the product on Amazon and Julian Vue Website

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